Criminal Justice Major: Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice

刑事司法学位GMercyU的刑事司法理学学士学位结合了创新的课堂和体验式学习,为你进入法学院做准备, 研究生院, or immediate entry into careers in the public or private sector – whether in government, 执法, 修正, 缓刑和假释, 私人安全, or social justice and advocacy.


As a Criminal Justice major, you'll explore patterns of criminal behavior, the philosophy of punishment for crimes, and the American legal system. You’ll learn to identify and analyze crimes using criminological theory, 法医科学, and the latest in crime scene investigations.

和, whether you are learning to investigate an active crime scene, break down a drug conspiracy, or examine the behavior of a sexual predator, you will develop the key skills 那 employers most want – such as critical thinking, 沟通, and problem-solving — skills 那 have never been more relevant.


刑事司法2022The most comprehensive and flexible criminal justice program in the Philadelphia region, you can dive deep into a specific interest within the field, or discover the right path for you. You will find a close-knit, 支持, and motivated community with professors who are invested in your success.

和, you will benefit from:

小类 with GMercyU’s low 10:1 student-to-教师 ratio, taught by experts in the field – 没有助教.

A transformational experience with GMercyU’s Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program® (详见下文), 哪一个会挑战你的观点,并为你提供一个摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站刑事司法系统的新视角.

Regional criminal justice leaders as guest speakers. Former Philadelphia 警察 Commissioner Charles H. 拉姆齐参观了校园,讨论了在进入警察部队之前接受大学教育的重要性, while world-renowned criminologist Dr. Jack Levin spoke to GMercyU students about serial killing and mass murder.

机会 赚取你的Act 120 这是成为一名警官的必要步骤,作为你四年制学位的一部分,不需要额外费用, unlike other criminal justice programs. (详见下文.)

机会 present your own research at GMercyU’s annual University Research Conference.

Inside Out计划GMercyU的Inside-Out监狱交流项目®将被监禁和未被监禁的学生作为同龄人聚集在费城联邦拘留中心每周一次的会议.

Started in 1997 and brought to GMercyU in 2019, 监狱内外交流计划®是一项国际教育计划,旨在通过对话与合作激发社会变革.

该项目为GMercyU的“外部”学生提供了独特的体验,让他们能够与惩教设施的“内部”学生见面,并就社会不平等问题交换意见和观点, 监狱改革, 以及恢复性司法.

“意识到还有一群人和你一样,因为不同的生活环境而被监禁,这对学生和教师来说都是一次真正的变革经历," says GMercyU Associate Professor and Criminal Justice Program Coordinator, 帕特里克McGrain博士. "You can’t get this kind of experience in the classroom or even through an internship.” 

学生们描述过 as a life-changing experience. 

Watch the video below to learn more:

As a GMercyU Criminal Justice major, 你可以选择参加蒙哥马利县社区学院的蒙哥马利县警察学院. 在这里,你可以获得Act 120证书,这是成为一名警察的重要一步.

Once you are accepted into GMercyU's Criminal Justice Program, 这种特殊的培训在你大四的时候提供,作为你四年制学位的一部分,不需要额外的时间和费用, unlike other criminal justice schools.

To learn more, see the "Montgomery Community College" tab of our 合作伙伴页面.

In addition to General Education requirements, students seeking a criminal justice degree must complete the following courses:  


CRJ 102 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJ 215 犯罪学
CRJ 216 Race, Class, and Ethnicity
CRJ 220 Ethics in Criminal Justice
CRJ 225 青少年犯罪
CRJ 250 警察 & Law Enforcement in America
CRJ 251 受害者研究
CRJ 310 Introduction to Criminal Justice Research
CRJ 320 Forensics: Crime Scene Investigation
CRJ 326 刑事程序
CRJ 327 刑法
CRJ 370 修正
CRJ 405 刑事调查
CRJ 410 美国法院
CRJ 435 Criminal Justice Internship
CRJ 4000 CRJ顶点
CRJ选修课 4 Criminal Justice Electives: Cultural 犯罪学; Stalking & Domestic Violence; Violence & Criminal Justice; Sexual Deviance; Wrongful Convictions; Organized Crime; Terrorism & Hate Groups; White Collar Crime; Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program®, Serial Killers



A minimum of 120 credits is required for the bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.

Increase the value of your degree as a criminal justice major by adding an 本科小 那 best suits your personal and professional goals.

Wondering what your classes will look like as a Criminal Justice major? 以下是一些亮点.

CRJ 205 Stalking and Domestic Violence

Debuting Spring 2023, more information to come!

You will study the characteristics and development of sexual deviance, as well as examine the criminological, 心理, and physiological components of addiction. Specialized offenders such as pedophiles, 青少年罪犯, and cyberstalkers are examined, with the hope of shedding light on how these perpetrators operate and how to spot them.

CRJ 304 Wrongful Convictions
This course will cover the causes of wrongful convictions. 您还将研究系统变量在诸如警察排队之类的定罪中所起的作用, 专家证词, 证人准备, 司法自由裁量权, 陪审团的偏见.

This course is a study of the many facets of organized crime. The theoretical explanations behind organized crime groups will be examined. You will build and operate your own organized crime syndicate, then utilize the criminal justice system to dismantle your syndicate.

For all criminal justice program course descriptions, please refer to the 本科目录.


位置: Program Coordinator and Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
你知道吗?? Professor McGrain is co-author of the book Inside the Minds of Social Predators.




位置: Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice
你知道吗?? One of Professor Phillips’ focuses is the intersection of psychology and law.

我最喜欢格温妮丝的刑事司法项目的一点就是我们之间的紧密联系. Whether it be our colleagues or our professors, everyone is here to help each other. 我从来没有在提问、讲故事或出现在教授办公室的时候有所保留, whether about school or personal advice or anything – they are there to help us. There’s never a day 那 we don’t feel 那. 



狮鹫之刃 is comprised of five touchpoints -- Excellence, 订婚, 经验, 同理心, and Encour年龄ment -- 那 become the cornerstones of your Distinctive Mercy 经验 as a full-time undergraduate student.

Griffin Edge包括一个电子作品集,用于记录您在GMercyU的教育和课外经历(无论您的专业如何)。, reflecting on those experiences, and receiving feedback from 教师. 它旨在帮助你掌握自己的教育历程,并为你规划正确的职业道路. 它还会帮助你学会如何用有意义的方式谈论你的大学经历  can make all the difference in a job interview. 

例如, a student might say in a job interview: "I conducted research at the undergraduate level." 

格里芬边缘学院的学生可能会说:“与专家教师一起进行研究的机会教会了我在数据收集和分析中保持准确的重要性. I was even able to present my findings at our annual research conference! I know this is the career for me."

了解更多有关 这里是格里芬边缘.

通过实习, GMercyU的刑事司法专业学生在以下组织中获得了实际经验,并建立了宝贵的网络联系.

  • 阿宾顿警察局
  • 航管队外地办事处
  • Bucks County Adult Probation/假释 Department
  • Bucks County Juvenile Probation
  • City of Philadelphia: Office of Forensic Science
  • Day Break Drug Treatment Ready
  • Federal Public Defender, Camden NJ
  • GMercyU Public Safety Department
  • 兰斯代尔警察局
  • Montgomery County Department of 修正
  • Montgomery County 侦探 Bureau
  • Montgomery County Department of Probation and 假释
  • Montgomery County Prosecutor’s Office
  • Montgomery County Youth Center
  • Norristown 警察 Department
  • 宾夕法尼亚州警察
  • Philadelphia Department of Probation & 假释
  • Philadelphia District 律师’s Office
  • Philadelphia Justice Center
  • Philadelphia 警察 Department Crime Scene Unit
  • Pottstown 警察 Department
  • Target – Department of Loss Prevention
  • Upper Dublin 警察 Department
  • U.S. Department of 首页land Security
  • Warrington 警察 Department 

获得刑事司法学士学位可以让你找到一份令人兴奋的高薪职业,让你以有意义的方式为社区服务. Here are just a few of the many opportunities you could pursue.


描述: 当一名公设辩护人或地方检察官,或者追求最能吸引你兴趣和激情的法律类型.
学位要求: 学士学位, followed by a degree in law.
平均工资: 根据美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据,2022年,全美媒体人的年薪为135,740美元.


描述: 当你处理刑事案件时,把你的分析能力作为警察侦探或私家侦探来使用,并收集在法庭上使用的证据.
学位要求: 学士学位.
平均工资: In 2022, the annual media pay nationwide was $52,120 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


描述: 定期与缓刑犯见面,帮助他们走上正确的道路, 监控他们, and arranging social services for them. You’ll also document everything for the court.
学位要求: 学士学位.
平均工资: In 2022, the annual media pay nationwide was $60,250, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

More Possible Careers for Criminal Justice 专业

  • 保镖
  • 边境巡逻人员
  • 中央情报局特工
  • Community 服务 Coordinator
  • 合规经理
  • 狱警
  • 被驱逐出境的官
  • 侦探
  • 禁毒执法人员
  • 联邦调查局特工
  • 消防队员
  • 少年法庭顾问
  • 执法人员
  • 律师助理
  • 假释官
  • 警察侦探
  • 私家侦探
  • 特勤局特工
  • 社会工作者
  • 州警察
  • 药物滥用顾问
  • 老师
  • 美国的马歇尔

*This is only a partial list and not meant to limit you. Some of these careers may require additional education.

Wondering Where You Might Eventually Work?

GMercyU criminal justice alumni have recently made their mark at these organizations:

  • 阿宾顿警察局
  • 航管队外地办事处
  • Bucks County Juvenile Probation  Bucks County Clerk of Courts, Criminal Division
  • 哈特伯勒警察局
  • 兰斯代尔警察局 任务 Kids Child Advocacy Center
  • Montgomery County Clerk of Courts
  • Montgomery County Department of 修正
  • Montgomery County Department of Probation and 假释
  • Norristown 警察 Department
  • 宾夕法尼亚州警察
  • Philadelphia Department of Probation & 假释
  • Philadelphia District 律师’s Office
  • Philadelphia 警察 Department Crime Scene Unit
  • Pottstown 警察 Department SEPTA 警察 Department
  • Target – Department of Loss Prevention
  • Upper Dublin 警察 Department Upper Moreland 警察 Department
  • U.S. Department of 首页land Security
  • Walmart – Loss Prevention Unit
  • Warrington 警察 Department

Criminal Justice grad 威廉·艾伦22岁威廉·艾伦22岁
Current 位置: GFCC Screening Analyst IV, JP Morgan Chase & Co.; Master's Degree in Global Affairs student; Middle School Boy’s Lacrosse Head Coach
"Through not only my Criminal Justice classes, but also my Computer Information Science and 荣誉项目 classes, I developed new interests 那 I do not think I would have otherwise. GMercyU grants a kind of freedom to explore 那, to me, is very valuable."

Among many pursuits at GMercyU, 威廉打长曲棍球, 成立了探险俱乐部, and interned for the Department of 首页land Security. Learn more about his experience.

Criminal Justice grad Jenna Tryhall
Jenna Trythall, 20岁

Current 位置: Senior Loss Prevention Analyst for RGG
詹娜认为刑事司法项目帮助她在毕业前的夏天找到了一份防损实习工作. The internship taught her team building, 损失分析, 动手调查技巧——她想把防损作为职业. 

“当全球大流行袭来时,毕业生的现实开始显现,许多工作岗位正在从市场上消失. I relied on my professors to keep my drive alive, and it paid off. A couple months after graduation, I landed my dream job as a loss prevention analyst with an online fashion retailer, 鲁吉尔特集团." Learn more about Jenna's experience. 

Criminal Justice grad Sarah Crane

Current 位置: Legal Clerk, Held Law Firm
Sarah interned at the Philadelphia City Hall while a student at GMercyU. 她还进行并发表了摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站自然灾害和犯罪率的独立研究. A student-athlete and member of the Criminal Justice National Honor Society, Sarah also completed the GSLI Exceptional Leaders Program, and was a Disciplinary Hearing Board Member and peer tutor.

“GMercyU教会我通过划分所有必需元素并了解每个元素如何对该理论至关重要来理解密集的理论. This has been increasingly helpful in understanding law and legal concepts.” Learn more about Sarah's experience.

Criminal Justice grad Greg Borgman

Current 位置: Adult 缓刑监督官, Montgomery County
而在GMercyU, Tim interned with the Clerk of Courts in Montgomery County during his sophomore year, 大四前的夏天,他在蒙哥马利县成人缓刑和假释部门工作——在那里,他了解到他想成为一名成人缓刑官. After graduation, he was offered a full-time offer.

“我真的相信实习是我能够获得全职工作的主要原因. I was able to show my work ethic and value to the department. I am still with the department, and I love 那 my job is different every day.” Learn more about Tim's experience."

认识更多的 刑事司法校友.


Have questions about GMercyU's 招生要求? 我们的招生人员随时准备引导您完成申请GMercyU刑事司法项目的过程.

电话: 215-641-5510


在GMercyU, we strive to make a quality education accessible to all through financial aid, 奖学金, 和赠款. As a military-friendly university, we welcome service members and participate in all VA educational benefits programs. 

Get the education you need for a fulfilling career in criminal justice. Earn your Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice at GMercyU!
