Online Master of Public Health (MPH) Degree


Now accepting applications for Fall 2024! See below for application details. 

Gwynedd Mercy University的公共卫生硕士(MPH)学位是一个在线课程,将为您在关键的公共卫生领域成为领导者做好准备, growing, and rapidly evolving field.
Complete our MPH degree in as few as 20 months. Attend as a full-time or part-time student to fit your schedule. No GRE required to apply.

Find Your Calling 

Our MPH program is ideal for:

  • 公共卫生专业人员或希望在非临床医疗保健环境中工作的学生, seek career advancement, or enhance their knowledge of the field
  • 医疗保健教育工作者、专业人士或对公共卫生工作感兴趣的学生
  • Business professionals or students who want to work in health administration
Program begins
Fall 2024 (no GRE required to apply)

100% online

Ideal for
Full-time or part-time students

Unique focus
The only Health Equity Concentration of its kind in the area

Affordable Tuition
One of the least expensive local options

Alumni Savings
10% tuition grant for GMercyU grads

Program Details

格温内斯默西大学是公共卫生教育委员会(CEPH)认证的申请人。. 认证审查将涉及公共卫生硕士学位和公共卫生理学学士学位. 该机构提供的其他学位和研究领域将不包括在认证审查单元中. See for more information.

The only program of its kind in our area to offer a Health Equity Concentration, GMercyU的在线公共卫生硕士学位将帮助您识别美国弱势社区健康差异的潜在原因.S. and abroad, and develop effective strategies to address them.

该计划的重点是发展与公共卫生实践广度相关的公共卫生技能. Courses address epidemiology, program planning and evaluation, environmental health, policy,  advocacy, and public health leadership.

Other benefits of GMercyU's Online MPH degree include:

  • Courses taught by public health experts
  • A flexible full-time or part-time program, offered online
  • Research and internship opportunities in the field

And, 你将在一个历史和使命植根于服务的机构——GMercyU学习, we have been developing change-makers and social justice advocates for decades.

公共卫生硕士(MPH)的学生必须完成42个学分的公共卫生课程. 课程旨在帮助学生在应用公共卫生领域使用的技能方面具备能力和信心. 


PUB 600 Foundations of Public Health and Health Equity
PUB 610   Public Health Analytic Methods I
PUB 620 Health Equity: Policy & Advocacy
PUB 630 Public Health Analytic Methods II
PUB 640 Planning and Managing Public Health Interventions

After completing these foundational courses, 学生将有机会在社区公共卫生组织的应用实践经验(PUB-700)中利用这些公共卫生技能.

格温内斯默西大学(Gwynedd Mercy University)的在线公共卫生硕士学位包括健康公平专业. While health equity is central to all our courses, 学生将学习三门集中课程,以进一步发展公共卫生技能,这些课程涉及解决国内和国际人口健康差距和实现健康公平的具体战略.

PUB 650 Environmental Health Equity
PUB 720 Structural Barriers to Health Equity
PUB 750 Global Health Equity

Students will also have the opportunity to select electives, such as the following:

PUB 710 Communication Strategies for Health Promotion
PUB 730 Collaborative Design of Health Education Programs
PUB 740 Applied Epidemiology
PUB 760 Qualitative Research Methods for Public Health

Producing a final, high-quality, 在最后一个学期的综合学习体验(PUB-790)中开发的书面产品将使学生能够综合整个课程中学到的技能.

For all Master of Public Health course descriptions, please refer to the Graduate Course Catalog.

Mary Jo Pierantozzi
Sharla Willis, DrPH, CHES
Founding Program Director and Assistant Professor
Did You Know? Dr. Willis completed a W.K. 密歇根大学凯洛格基金会社区健康学者博士后奖学金,专注于社区参与性研究.
Read bio


Victory Osezua, PhD
Victory Osezua, PhD, MPH

Position: Assistant Professor
Did You Know? Dr. Osezua还在全国各地的各种非营利组织担任独立的公共卫生顾问.
Read bio


Maria Warnick, Ph.D. CRNP FNP-BC
Maria Warnick, PhD, CRNP FNP-BC

Position: Assistant Professor
Did You Know? Dr. Warnick 在多年的家庭护理从业经验后,完成了公共卫生博士课程,重点是流行病学.
Read bio

The MPH program at Gwynedd Mercy has been instrumental to my career. 该项目强调卫生公平,使我具备了更好地理解影响我所服务社区的多方面差异的知识. The unparalleled support from the faculty, coupled with the exceptional resources available through the Keiss Library, has greatly enriched my academic experience. This degree will not only help me advance my career, 但它让我对公共卫生的相互联系和重要性有了更大的认识.

Tori McQueen, Montgomery County Office of Public Health

Advance Your Career


Today, 到2032年,该领域的就业机会预计将在全国范围内增长17%, more than double the national average, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports.

According to a 2017 survey of state and local public health workers, 22% planned to retire in the next five years (de Beaumont Foundation, 2019). In the Philadelphia area, those with a public health bachelor's degree earn a median salary of about $68,000 – more than twice the average wage for the region, according to a survey conducted by Burning Glass Technologies.

Public health is a broad and diverse field. 世界各地都需要专家为政府卫生部门和机构工作, private corporations, non-profit organizations, community clinics, schools, and more.

With an MPH degree, 公共卫生专业人员可以晋升到管理职位,并享受他们可以有所作为和谋生的职业生涯, while benefiting from increases in job opportunities.

Here are just a few examples:

Position Median Annual Salary 2022 Expected Growth through 2032
Medical and Health Service Managers $104,830 28%
Environmental Specialists $76,480 6%
Epidemiologists $78,520 27%
Occupational Health & Safety Specialists $75,240 13%
Social and Community Service Managers $74,240 9%
Health Educators $59,990 7%

The expected job growth rate for all occupations in the U.S. is 3%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Applications are currently being accepted for a Fall 2024 program start. Ready to apply? Start by submitting your application through SOPHAS, a centralized application service for public health graduate programs.
GMercyU alumni, take advantage of our 10% alumni tuition grant for master's degree programs
Current students, who can begin the MPH during your senior year, should see the Early Entry for the Master of Public Health page for details on applying.

Admissions contact information: 
Wivina Chmura, Associate Director of Admissions

No GRE is required. Admission requirements for the online MPH degree program will include:

  • Transcripts from all undergraduate institutions you attended; please submit any post graduate work as well. Transcripts must be submitted by your college(s) to GMercyU.
  • 一篇250-500字的文章,确定你所在社区的公共卫生问题,以及公共卫生硕士如何帮助你解决这个问题
  • 两封推荐信,证明你有能力在公共卫生硕士项目中取得成功并从中受益, ideally academic or professional references from instructors or supervisors
  • A current resume or curriculum vitae
  • 为了成功地完成在线课程,可以使用计算机和互联网连接

申请被全面审查,以确定申请人在我们的研究生课程中茁壮成长的能力. We look for:

  • 在你的本科成绩单中展示的学术能力,一般定义为:
    • A cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a four-point scale or the equivalent, and
    • Consistent academic performance in math, science, and writing intensive courses.
    • Note: While a GRE is not required, those with an undergraduate GPA below 3.0 or lacking in the above courses may submit GRE scores for consideration.
  • Strong written communication skills, assessed through:
    • Your essay
    • Transcripts
    • References
  • 对公共卫生领域和解决社区卫生需求有浓厚兴趣. Keep in mind that:
    • Our program welcomes those who are currently working in the field of public health, career changers and recent graduates. Your personal experience is valued.
    • 公共卫生是一个跨学科的领域,所以所有的学术背景都是相关的.
    • Your essay will help us understand why you are interested in public health. 如果你还没有明确的职业目标或公共卫生领域,也没关系, as you will have the opportunity to explore the field during the MPH program. If you have public health experience or detailed public health career goals, please share those in your essay and resume.

*由于这是一个完全在线的项目,GMercyU不能担保任何硕士学位的学生签证. For international students interested in the MPH Program, 我们建议您首先与您的政府的政策,以确定他们是否接受在线美国.S. degrees as a valid degree before considering this program.

Have questions about the admissions process? We're here to help! Please contact us:

Wivina Chmura, Associate Director of Admissions

Apply Now for Fall 2024