
2024年6月27日星期四下午6:00 -7:00.m. 美国东部时间


A Direct Entry MSN is a master’s-level nursing degree for career changers who hold a bachelor’s degree in another field. It’s designed to help students make the transition to nursing with an advanced foundation of knowledge and skills.

GMercyU的DEMSN项目,以我们宾夕法尼亚州格温内斯谷为基础. 是一个全日制,20个月,72学分的学位课程.
Graduates will be prepared to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN).




Complete the form below and an admissions counselor will contact you to answer any questions and help as you assemble all the components of your admissions file.



  • 只要20个月就能拿到研究生学位 -在连续5个学期(20个月)内完成DEMSN课程. You must have a bachelor’s degree in another field and earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0(在4上).以大学课程最后60学时为基础, 包括研究生课程, 尝试并接受. 有竞争力的候选人的本科GPA必须达到3分.2或以上. 平均成绩不低于3分.3分是所有理科课程的必修课. 所有必修课程的成绩必须达到B或以上.
  • 增强就业能力 – Stand out among other entry-level nurses with a master’s degree and leadership preparation.
  • 充满机遇的未来 -你的MSN为你的DNP项目做准备.
  • 参与式学习社区 -成为GMercyU护理社区的一员, 由我们临床经验丰富的教授和来自该地区的其他领导人领导.
  • 广泛的临床准备 -在我们先进的模拟实验室培养病人护理技能. 学生s will complete a total of 765 hours of clinical practice experience within our network of more than 100 regional healthcare partners.

许可: 该计划符合国家许可要求. 请确保您在申请之前查看您所在州的注册护士执照要求. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站 程序许可要求页面.


拥有100多个区域临床合作伙伴, GMercyU确保您在不同的护理环境中受益于现实世界的临床准备. Nursing students often tell us this is their favorite part of the program because they enjoy caring for patients and interacting with healthcare professionals in a wide range of settings. 每天都不一样, 学生们接触到许多不同的专业, 包括外科, 行为健康, 妇幼, 儿科, 社区卫生, 以及重症监护.

该项目不仅需要临床时间, but they are critical to helping students understand what type of care setting they would like to work in after graduation. GMercyU students will complete clinical rotations in hospitals and community sites recognized for nursing excellence, 包括费城慈善医疗中心, 三位一体的健康, 费城儿童医院, 和Mercy医疗中心, 仅举几个例子.

另外, students in the DEMSN program will have an opportunity in their final semester to participate in our Dedicated Educational Unit (DEU) program. This exclusive opportunity allows students to complete a one-on-one intensive clinical experience with a nurse mentor, 帮助他们准备过渡到练习. Helping students make a smooth transition from nursing school to a new working nurse is a primary objective at GMercyU.


弗朗西斯·M. Maguire School of Nursing and 健康的职业 at 格温内斯仁慈大学 has been a hub for nursing program options in the Philadelphia area for more than 60 years. Pursuing a degree in nursing — particularly a graduate degree in nursing — supports students to grow as educated people and citizens of the world. 在GMercyU, pursuing a nursing degree also equips students to enter the profession infused with Mercy values of integrity, 尊重, 服务, 以及社会公正.

Our Direct Entry MSN option prepares students to practice evidence-based nursing care and provides them with foundational leadership skills to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

Choosing to earn a DEMSN offers multiple benefits above and beyond a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. 第一个, you don’t need to invest much more time to complete your master’s degree compared to our accelerated bachelor’s program — you can complete our DEMSN in 20 months, 相比之下,我们的加速BSN (ABSN)项目需要16个月. This means you can enter the workforce with advanced nursing preparation employers notice with only a few additional months of study.

Another key benefit of earning a Direct Entry MSN is that it shows employers you are not just determined to become a nurse, 但决心以护士的身份领导, 太. Your DEMSN demonstrates to employers that you have an understanding of evidence-based practice and that you’re familiar with nursing and healthcare leadership concepts, 包括金融, 团队协作的最佳实践, 护理伦理, 和更多的.

Master's-prepared Registered Nurses are educated to look at the "big picture" of patient care to impact current health care across the continuum. 他们影响护理服务,提高患者的治疗效果和满意度.


  • 护理点临床医生
  • 结果管理者和特定患者群体的倡导者
  • 患者和/或员工的教育者
  • 团队经理
  • Role in quality improvement — being the risk anticipators/analyzers — assessing the microsystem, 管理微系统以促进积极的变化, 监测趋势以促进积极成果


GMercyU的MSN直接入口是全职的, 20个月, 72-credit prelicensure graduate degree program for students who hold a bachelor’s degree in another field.

GMercyU提供在线先决条件课程,您可能需要符合该计划的资格. They combine online coursework with in-home laboratory experiments and are offered at a cost of $350 per credit. 你也可以在其他认可的学院或大学完成这些课程. Please note that your nutrition course must have been taught by a registered dietitian (RD).

本课程包括健康科学的先决条件. 如果你在本科期间修过健康科学课程, 但它们不包括实验室科学, 是在七年多前完成的吗, 或者你没有以“B”或更高的成绩通过这门课, 在开始你的DEMSN项目之前,你需要完成并通过这些课程.


  • 营养学——由注册营养师授课——3学分
  • 发展心理学,关注整个生命周期- 3学分
  • 统计学或生物统计学- 3学分
  • 解剖学和生理学I(讲座和实验)- 4学分
  • 解剖学和生理学II(讲座和实验)- 4学分
  • 微生物学带实验- 4学分
  • 普通化学II课程(讲座和实验)或同等课程- 4学分 

GMercyU offers online prerequisite courses (see tab below) you may need to qualify for the program. They combine online coursework with in-home laboratory experiments and are offered at a cost of $350 per credit. 你也可以在其他认可的学院或大学完成这些课程. Please note that your nutrition course must have been taught by a registered dietitian (RD).

  • 营养学(7周课程)
  • 终身发展心理学(5周课程)
  • 统计学(5周课程)
  • 微生物学带实验室(8周课程)
  • 解剖学和生理学I带实验(8周课程)
  • 解剖学和生理学II带实验(8周课程)
  • 化学与实验室联合健康科学(8周课程)

访问我们的 在线护理先决条件页面 了解更多.



努尔512 基础专业护理领导和医疗保健系统
努尔502 健康评估
努尔501 护理基础
548 ol 护理伦理 & 更大的医疗保健领域


努尔516 高级护理角色病理生理学和药理学概念导论
努尔514 临床实践与角色发展:妇女、儿童的护理 & 家庭
努尔520 Clinical Practice and Role Development ll: Nursing Care of Adults with Common 健康 Problems


Nur 510 ol 高级护理角色的高级病理生理学
努尔518 Clinical Practice and Role Development l: Nursing Care of Persons with Mental and Behavioral 健康 Issues
努尔544 Clinical Practice and Role Development IV: Nursing Care of Adults with Complex 健康 Problems


Nur 500 ol 高级护理角色的高级药物治疗学
努尔545 临床实践与角色发展V:社区卫生护理
努尔546 在整个生命周期和全球范围内促进健康和预防疾病
507号 老年护理的概念
努尔530 高级护理角色的理论基础


Nur 570 先进的评估 & 高级护理角色实验室
努尔584 临床实习与角色发展VI:学习实习的综合
535 ol 领导和卫生政策
努尔610 ol 护理研究方法论 & 循证实践



努尔585 领导力研讨会:微系统分析 & 顶点开发/协同CNL角色
努尔611 CNL向专业护理角色的转变及临床实践


努尔554 领导力和医疗保健管理:医疗保健和领导团队的财务
努尔612 角色沉浸 & 顶石实习
努尔549 领导护理循证创新 & 健康的职业

You will also complete clinical rotations in local healthcare facilities to a total of 765 hours. 

GMercyU拥有广泛的医疗附属机构网络, 你的导师会帮助你获得实习机会. Clinical placements are subject to facility availability and may require evening or weekend hours.

该项目要求申请人是美国公民.S. 是公民,并且通过了犯罪背景调查, 防止虐待儿童, 某些免疫接种, 以及其他与健康相关的许可以便参与临床体验. 在开始课程之前必须满足这些要求.

见毕业生目录 了解更多信息,包括完整的入学要求和课程描述.


如果你还没准备好攻读硕士学位, 或者没有达到DEMSN的学历要求, 我们还为想要进入护理行业的职业转换者提供以下项目:


mg摆脱电子游戏官方网站已经培养了60多年的优秀护士. 我们的专家社区, 学者, and regional healthcare leaders — not to mention our thousands of nursing alumni — is an invaluable resource for your professional development and personal enrichment.

在我们的小班, 你将由具有临床专业知识的护理教师带领, 对护理职业的热爱, 以及将他们的知识传授给下一代护士的热情.


Get the advanced education you need for a career that changes lives: earn your Direct Entry Master of Science in Nursing with GMercyU.

请致电844-707-9359或发送电子邮件 accelerate@0111397.com 联系招生顾问,或者 立即请求信息!